DISCinsights by PeopleKeys Blog

Positive Approach to Personality

Written by Coleen Kulkin | 5/29/18 5:54 PM

As someone who has embodied many aspects of the high S and C personality dimensions, I feel qualified to say that our more extroverted high I-style counterparts may have a slight advantage over S and C styles when it comes to staying positive. What we can learn from these DISC personality styles is considerable. I write this blog affirming to all styles, there is hope for everyone to stay on the positive side of life - even us S, C and D-types who can be tough customers on ourselves. Simply borrow a few behavioral traits from the Influential personality style, and learn how to avoid the behavioral snares each behavioral style sets for themselves that can put our personal positivity, joy, and contentment at risk.

3 traits we can borrow from the I-Personality Style:

  1. Humor - Many I styles have the knack to find humor in daily life. Even if you are not naturally funny, you can still laugh at circumstances rather than allow them to take you down. If you can find the humor in it, you can cope. It may be awkward at first, but try laughing more, as well as laughing at the mundane. It could be contagious or lead to a national Prozac surplus.
  2. Optimism - I styles seem to live in weekend mode when the rest of us have a case of the Mon-days. The natural optimism of I’s can be vexing, but they do have a healthy self-confidence and a glass-half full view of the world. Something that can increase optimism is practicing gratitude. Each day, make sure to give thanks for at least 10 different things.
  3. Trust - I styles are intrinsically trusting of others, which is also why they can remain positive. Children are known to be trusting and they approach life with hopefulness and excited expectancy. Trusting and having faith in the unknown is difficult, especially for adults. Believing that “it will be okay” will help you survive better than the skepticism or cynicism we often adopt to protect our-selves.

Don’t let these (all-too-relatable) DISC habits mess with you:

For the D: “You don’t have to be in control”

There will be things that are out of your control. Working on them can actually make it worse, so stop that! Move on to the things that are in your control or those deserving of your energy.

The highly self-determined, goal-oriented D style may feel the need to be in control, or fix a situation or circumstance out of his/her control. It’s good to know when to cut your losses or not put your good energy after bad. When you’ve given it your best effort, but still spin your wheels, you should move on and realize there may be other areas you've neglected that need your attention. Don’t forget to always invest in people and relationships, which is where you will find the greatest return.

For the I: “It’s okay to turn down that invite”

Too many events and obligations can make your head spin. Everyone needs down time for rest, self-care and balance. Saying “yes” to everything, or participating in constant social media, can be exhaust-ing, so stop that!

I styles are notorious for needing their people time. If you’re social calendar is taking over your life, give it a break and learn to say “no,” turn off your devices and unplug your phone. People won’t forget about you. A “staycation” involving quiet time at home can do your body and mind good.

For the S: “Give yourself some credit”

As an S style, you spend your time thinking of others, supporting others and taking care of practical matters. You blush when you receive a compliment, but you don’t actually believe you deserve credit - stop that! Of course you do.

Take a minute to reflect on the differences you have made. If others don’t give you appreciation, give it to yourself! You don't need others’ approval to know that you are worthy of praise and credit. Al-ways moving the spotlight onto others can be self-effacing and makes you a martyr. Learn to accept a compliment and don’t diminish your accomplishments.

For the C: “Don’t obsess over it, let it go”

Whether it’s task lists, criticism, or quality, you tend to strive to reach some type of ideal you’ve set for yourself or your work. Stop that! Your style can make you self-critical, disappointed or feel like you’ve let someone down.

Realize that the C-style’s biggest critics are themselves, because sometimes their high standards are unattainable. That’s why C-styles perceive criticism when there is none. It’s often self-inflicted. Don’t live in the past. Let it go and practice living in the present moment and focus on what went right, not wrong.

Lessons from famous I styles:

I’ve learned a lot about positivity from watching animations. One of the greatest lessons we’ve been given was from two famous Disney character I styles, Timone and Pumba, as they taught Simba the value of “Hakuna Matada” which in Swahili, means “No worries.” I’ve tried to weave this song into my daily life. Another song I borrow is Queen Elsa’s “Let it go” from the movie, “Frozen.” I don’t know how many times I’ve had to play this song in my head to break free from questioning an event. It’s helped me practice living in the present moment and letting go of things that weigh me down.

How do you practice positivity in your life? Let us know in the comments section below. Want to learn more about your own personality style and positive strengths?