DISCinsights by PeopleKeys Blog

DISC Personality Types and Remote College Learning

Written by Monica Reynoso | 2/3/21 6:13 PM

The college experience is typically filled with new friends, exploring campus clubs, and attending extracurricular activities. When the coronavirus hit, though, that experience became absent. Social interaction between students and professors also halted or became limited, causing different personality types to find new ways to succeed in their college courses.

Developmental psychologist Amy Bintliff shared with Inside Higher ED that students expressed a strong desire to be back on campus to interact with other students socially.

"Students talked a lot about really missing being in person with their classmates, with their colleagues, with their faculty members, and having those spontaneous, organic conversations and relationships..." stated Bintliff.

Although it is difficult to learn and interact with students online, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to reach them. Understanding a college student’s learning style based on their DISC personality type can make all the difference.

Here is how you can help each DISC personality type student flourish remotely:

  • "D" Style: A "D" personality type can succeed while remotely learning by seeing a visual representation of their accomplishments. Update grades often so the "D" personality style can see that their hard work is paying off. You can also motivate the "D" style by giving them the opportunity to work at their own pace. The "D" DISC personality profile has a competitive nature as well. Try to incorporate competitions in the agenda so they may earn extra credit.

  • "I" Style: "I" styles may be having a difficult time in quarantine because they thrive in social environments. Isolation may challenge their optimism. Educators should make an effort to check in on how their "I's" are coping emotionally. Incorporating virtual group projects can help motivate them complete tasks, and also creating incentives once they have completed an assignment could help them succeed.

  • "S" Style: Unlike "D" styles, "S" personalities do not do well with change or a fast pace. Professors need to develop a reliable routine for "S" styles so they will not fall off track. Providing a syllabus so they can understand what assignments are expected of them is key. Make sure you outline the due dates for weekly semester assignments. Keep "S" styles on a steady path towards success by ensuring they have a complete understanding of when their assignments are due and the assignments’ objective.

  • "C" Style: "C's" favor a sense of autonomy in a learning environment. "C's" will accomplish tasks well in an organized and calm remote setting. Make sure to give "C" types reassurance that they are on the right track on an assignment and praise them on their quality work. "C" DISC profile needs a structured environment and specific details on how they can improve on a project.

Remote learning has been difficult for all styles, and PeopleKeys wants to alleviate that difficulty. PeopleKeys aims to aid educators in teaching students to develop the skills they will need after graduation. Not only will professors gain a better understanding of their students when they use a DISC assessment, but they also gain the tools they need to teach each personality style effectively. Learn more on how you can better your skills as a behaviorally aware educator by becoming DISC certified.