Setting students up to succeed within the classroom and beyond starts with student self-awareness. Everyone learns and retains information differently, and creating a more dynamic and behaviorally aware classroom by revealing the unique strengths of your students will help them capitalize on their full potential.
… such as the PeopleKeys Student Strengths report, into your classroom to foster successful student social and emotional growth and development. The PeopleKeys Student Strengths assessment is an online tool created specifically for the purpose of awakening students to their strengths, revealing their full potential, and enabling them to understand how to invest in themselves in order to continue through graduation for a more fulfilling future.
Each student in the classroom should take an assessment to learn about their unique preferences, such as: how they learn best, how they process and retain information, their communication preferences and why they do what they do. Becoming more self-aware and understanding their DISC relational language will help students become more confident in using their strengths, and adapting their limitations, to improve their learning potential individually.
… on the communication, behavioral, learning and thinking differences among your students. Sharing and reviewing the unique characteristics and preferences of each student with the classroom as a whole provides a unique dimension to the diversity awareness of the classroom. Students can realize they have similar and dissimilar personal preferences, strengths and limitations with each other. A more behaviorally aware classroom will reap many benefits, including better communication, diversity awareness and a stronger classroom team environment.
… to apply their new knowledge of themselves. Use the included action plan from the Student Strengths report to have students create a roadmap for the ways they can better retain the information presented to them, study smarter, and be more aware in how they communicate with others of different styles.
… that encompasses the uniqueness of your students’ abilities. Self-awareness isn’t only about revealing the behavioral, learning and thinking uniqueness among students, but also to educators in customizing the way you introduce information in your teaching lessons. Customizing the classroom to meet the behavioral demands of the students will result in improved classroom engagement and retention. Committing yourself as an educator to being more behaviorally intelligent will have a significant impact on our future generations. Download the How to Unlock Your Students’ Potential ebook below to learn how to motivate and empower students to reach their full potential and become the best versions of themselves.
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