5 Ways to Think About Personality Types

Different Approaches to Personality Types

The Huffington Post recently mentioned DISC Insights, our online store of DISC products powered by PeopleKeys. The article by Delia Lloyd is called “5 Ways to Think About Personality Types” and references our website DISCinsights.com. Read the article excerpt below:

5 Ways to Think About Personality Types

by Delia Lloyd

Personality Style. I'm thinking here of the widely-used DISC personality assessment, which focuses a bit less on "type" than on "style." DISC identifies four key behavioral styles, which they label D (drive), I (insight), S (steadiness) and C (compliance). What I like about this way of thinking about personality (as opposed to the more nuanced but complicated Myers-Briggs assessment) is that it gives you a sort of over-arching "flavor" for people you encounter, each of which has a set of prevailing traits, strengths and weaknesses. In my old job, for example, once I learned that as a (high!) D (dominant/forceful/task-oriented), I was sharing an office with a high S (reliable, dependable, process-oriented), so many things came to make sense and I could adjust my own interactions accordingly.

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Written by: DISCInsights

DISCInsights, powered by PeopleKeys, offers behavioral assessments 24x7 and everything DISC-related that you need to start your practical usage of the DISC