When we think of leaders, we often think of the high “D” personality style: assertive, bottom line oriented, forceful, and direct. The truth is, however, everyone can be a strong leader if they learn to lead through their personality strengths.
Leadership is essentially the ability to influence others. Each of the four personality styles (D = Dominant, I = Influencing, S = Stable, and C = Compliant) have key characteristics and strengths, that when operating within these strengths, can influence others and be a strong leader. This model of leadership is often described to be like a flock of geese, where each goose takes their turn leading while the others fall behind them.
To determine what this “strength zone” or “time to lead” is for each person, along with their personality strengths, look at the PowerDISC section of your PeopleKeys Leadership Report. PowerDISC identifies seven critical elements of leadership and the intensity of each in relation to your DISC style. These seven areas are:
As you look at your PowerDISC graph, or that of someone on your team, you’ll see your natural abilities in these seven areas are plotted on a chart. If you see your ability above the midline in an area, like Influencing or Creating, then that is the area where you are most likely to succeed when leading. Leading in those unique strengths will allow you to shine as a leader. If you see your ability at or slightly below the midline, that is an area you might want to hone a bit and improve on, thus allowing for not only personal development but also leadership development. If you see your ability in an area way below the midline, that is likely an area you should give others who have strengths in those areas an opportunity to lead, even if you are the team leader.
Imagine a team that:
There are various stages of a project, and by giving each member a chance to lead during the stage with in their strength zone, a team, like a flock of geese, can fly far indeed. Likewise, as an individual, if you can discover those areas that are in your strength zone and volunteer in those stages of a project, you can be a leader no matter what your unique strengths are.
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