Overcoming Your Fears for Career Change with DISC

Overcoming Your Fears for Career Change with DISC

Change is a challenge for most people, with fear being the main driver that holds one back. Fear can cause the bravest individual to seize up instantly, and when it comes to a career or job change fear can kick into overdrive. You might hate where you are right now and want to leave a bad job or company, or start a business on your own, but your fears take over your mind. You end up becoming your own worst enemy; caught up in a vicious cycle of self-doubt, negativity, and inevitably feeling “stuck.”

Too often, people let this feeling go on too long and become resentful, miserable and bring others in the company down too. Don’t be that person! While loyalty to a company is an admirable value many good employees possess, at some point you need to be loyal to yourself and your career too.

Let’s take a look at each of the four DISC personality styles’ weakness, and a tip for each to get you moving forward with changing your career:

The “D” personality style fears being taken advantage of.

You want to be in control, and your fear makes you feel out of control. However, change for a D style can actually be positive and motivational. Your behavioral style is the most adaptive to change so try to view a career change as a challenge and make the most of it. Apply for that open CEO, managerial or leadership position. No guts, no glory!

The “I” personality style fears rejection by others.

You want others to like and accept you, and your fear makes you feel that you might not fit in somewhere new and others won’t like your stellar personality. Like the D style, you can adapt to change more readily due to your natural ability to connect with and engage other people. Look at a career change as an opportunity to meet new people with the added bonus of a new job…or use your charm to motivate others by becoming a life coach.

The “S” personality style fears a loss of security.

Your behavioral style is the most resistant to change as you have a need for stability and security. Your fear holds you back most because you don’t know if you’re going to like a new company or receive the same or better benefits, you feel you are being disloyal to your current employer and the very thought of change repels you. Stop sacrificing yourself and start researching reviews of companies you’d be interested in working for. Use job review sites, such as glassdoor.com, to become more familiar with ones that appear to be more stable and with an enjoyable work environment.

The “C” personality style fears criticism.

You fear that a new employer isn’t going to recognize your attention to detail and quality work. Like the S style, you can also get bogged down in the “what if’s” associated with change. Start researching job descriptions that fit your ideal job role, as well as the details of the companies for the ones you think are a good fit, so when you land an interview you’ll be comfortable in knowing exactly what is expected and can show off your knowledge of your new prospective work home to the hiring manager.

Do any of these fears resonate with you? If you still feel trapped in your current employment, take a DISC career assessment to reveal your behavioral style, personality strengths and some possible career options to consider pursuing that will best fit your unique preferences.

Read on for some interviewing tips on how to answer the cliché question about your greatest weakness.

Picture of Emily Miller

Written by: Emily Miller

Emily is a former Marketing Manager at PeopleKeys.